Archives Reference and Research Submission Form

The Institute Archives and Special Collections serves Rensselaer students, faculty, staff, and alumni as well as other researchers interested in conducting research with the unique materials housed within the Institute Archives and Special Collections.

  • Institute Archives & Special Collections: closed to ALL Activity and reference requests from 01/23 - 01/31. Staff will respond as soon as possible beginning the week of 02/03.
  • Please note we are prioritizing research to fulfill the needs of the Rensselaer Community. Due to increased demand, we cannot predict how long it will take to respond to non-RPI-affiliated researchers. 
General Information
Research Interest/Focus
Check all that apply: Have you consulted the Archives online resources (databases or website) *
Please let us know which research purpose applies to you *
Use of archival content in publication (of any kind) requires written permission. *
If your query requires on-site research in the Archives, an appointment will be required. *
Fields marked with * are required.