Are there audiobooks available through our library?


Yes, there are audiobooks available through our library. You can browse our available audiobooks by searching our catalog for the keyword "audiobook" and then narrowing the results by clicking on your preferred format in the left menu. You'll see that we have e-audiobooks, books on CD, etc... 

If you have an idea about the topic, title, or author of a specific audiobook, you can search for those keywords instead and then apply the audiobook filter to see what we have available. 

There are additional audiobooks available through our ConnectNY shared catalog.

In the ConnectNY shared catalog, search for the keyword "audiobook" and then limit the results by format on the right side (for instance, limit the results to CD).

You can request any items listed in this shared catalog and they will be sent to our Library.


  • Last Updated Mar 08, 2024
  • Views 6
  • Answered By Liz K

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